At Elements Training Company, I believe that fitness is a lifelong journey, and every stage of life presents unique opportunities to prioritize health, strength, and well-being. My philosophy is rooted in the understanding that individuals have specific goals, challenges, and aspirations when it comes to fitness, and my approach is designed to address these needs comprehensively.

Holistic Approach to Health: Fitness as more than just physical exercise; it encompasses mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being as well. My training programs emphasize a holistic approach to health, focusing on developing strength, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, balance, and mobility to enhance overall quality of life.

Personalized Training Programs: I recognize that every individual is unique, with different fitness levels, goals, and preferences. My training programs are personalized to meet the specific needs and objectives of each client, taking into account factors such as age, fitness history, medical considerations, Past injuries and lifestyle constraints.

Functional Strength Training: Our training methodology prioritizes functional strength training, which focuses on improving movement patterns, muscle coordination, and stability to support daily activities and reduce the risk of injury. We emphasize compound exercises that engage multiple muscle groups and mimic real-life movements to enhance functional fitness and resilience.

Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation: I place a strong emphasis on injury prevention and rehabilitation, recognizing that individuals may be more susceptible to injuries or have pre-existing conditions that require special attention. My programs include targeted exercises, mobility drills, and corrective techniques to address imbalances, weaknesses, and movement dysfunctions, promoting long-term health and longevity.

Education and Empowerment: I believe in empowering our clients with knowledge, skills, and confidence to take ownership of their health and fitness journey. I provide education on exercise physiology, nutrition, recovery strategies, and lifestyle habits to help clients make informed choices and sustain their progress beyond the gym.

Positive and Supportive Environment: My Goal is to provide a positive and supportive training environment where clients feel welcomed, accepted, and encouraged to challenge themselves and grow. I prioritize inclusivity, respect, and non-judgmental support, creating a safe space for individuals of all fitness levels to thrive and achieve their goals without feeling intimidated or self-conscious.

Progressive Overload and Adaptation: My training programs are built on the principles of progressive overload and adaptation, gradually increasing the intensity, volume, and complexity of exercises over time to stimulate continuous improvement and avoid plateaus. We prioritize consistency, patience, and perseverance, recognizing that sustainable results require dedication and effort over the long term.

Lifestyle Integration: I understand that fitness is just one aspect of a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. My approach emphasizes the integration of fitness into daily routines, promoting habits that support health and well-being beyond the gym. I encourage clients to find joy and fulfillment in physical activity, nourishing their bodies with nutritious food, prioritizing rest and recovery, and cultivating mindfulness and self-care practices.

By embracing this philosophy, I strive to empower my clients to embrace fitness as a lifelong journey, prioritize their health and well-being, and unleash their full potential to live active, and fulfilling lives.

One on one Private Training

If you are someone who needs more accountability, more form & technique work instruction, have injuries, one on one training might be a better option for you. This can be discussed more in detail during your consultation. Each personal training session is on average 60 minutes and will implement components of strength, corrective exercise, and mobility. As a trainer and coach, my mission is to guide you toward achieving your fitness goals through personalized training, emphasizing a deeper understanding of your body's movement. This involves proper exercise setup, effective cueing, and proper execution.

Benefits Of Training In Person

  • Real-Time Feedback: You will receive immediate feedback on your form and technique, allowing for adjustments during the workout to ensure safety and effectiveness.

  • Motivation and Support: In-person training can provide real-time motivation and support, pushing clients to work harder and stay focused.

  • Structured Workouts: I can create a structured and varied workout environment using gym equipment, which may not be easily replicated in a home setting.

  • Social Interaction: In-person training offers social interaction, creating a sense of community and camaraderie that can enhance the overall training experience.

  • Equipment Access: Clients have access to a wide range of gym equipment, which can be beneficial for those who require specialized equipment for their workouts.

  • Personal Connection: Building a personal connection is often easier in face-to-face interactions, allowing me to better understand your' needs and preferences.

  • Real-Time Adjustments: I can make instant adjustments to the workout plan based on the client's energy levels, physical condition, and feedback

What’s Included:

  • Initial Assessment: A thorough assessment of your current fitness level, including strength, mobility, and any existing injuries or limitations.

  • Goal Setting: Collaboratively setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, goals related to your strength and fitness.

  • Customized Training Plans: Individualized strength training session tailored to your goals, and experience level.

  • Nutrition Guidance: Dietary recommendations to support your strength and fitness goals, macronutrient guidelines, and supplementation advice.

  • Form and Technique Corrections: Feedback and coaching on proper exercise form and technique to prevent injuries and optimize results.

  • Accountability and Support: Ongoing motivation and accountability through regular communication with your coach, whether in person, online, or through a fitness app.

  • Injury Prevention: Guidance on injury prevention strategies.

  • Option to add online weekly workouts

    Training & Package Pricing

$70.00 *1 60 min training session/Strength & Fitness consultation

$300.00 *5 pack: 5 60 min training session

$550.00 *10 pack: 10 60 min training session

$900.00 *20 pack: 10 60 min training session

*30 min training sessions are Available

* Add on price for additional workouts online through my training app.

* In person training sessions take place at Planet Fitness in Louisville. You do not need a membership to train with me at Planet Fitness.

*Both online personal training and in-person training have their own set of advantages, and the choice between the two depends on your individual preferences, goals, and circumstances.


While personal training offers the advantage of in-person guidance and immediate feedback, online training caters to the specific needs of those with hectic schedules by providing flexibility, accessibility, and personalized workouts. If you have experience working


  • Custom Training plan, with the convenience of working out on your own schedule and location.

  • Goal setting and accountability to help get you to success.

  • Initial in person assessment and movement screening to assess postural or movement issues for injury prevention. Follow-ups  as needed. 

  • Workouts delivered to easy-to-use app on your smartphone for easy tracking. My True Coach app will have all your exercises, demo videos, and places to record your results and be able to instant message your coach for feedback.

  • Unlimited email or in app messaging support.

  • Not sure if you are doing an exercise correctly? Have pain with an exercise? At anytime during your programming, you will have the ability to send a video to Jonathan for analysis whenever you need it.

  • Regular Check-Ins: Scheduled sessions or meetings with your coach to review progress, make adjustments to your training program, and address any questions or concerns.

    * Virtual Training Sessions with coach are available upon request






As a busy professional, finding time for fitness seemed impossible until I started working with Jonathan. The personalized, efficient workouts and flexible scheduling made it manageable. Jonathan’s expertise and encouragement have made fitness a sustainable part of my lifestyle. Highly recommend for anyone looking to make a positive change!
— Emily H